Friday, November 23, 2007

The Prosperity Cast Network Launches Revolutionary Concept - Business 2.0

The Prosperity Cast Network is destined to be the model for internet businesses using web 2.0 marketing strategies

read more | digg story

Saturday, November 17, 2007

What Does Prosperity and Wealth Mean to You

Something strikes me as I watch Val's videos on the Prosperity Cast Network. Prosperity and success means different things to different people. Nice cars, big houses, luxury vacations, designer clothes... these are the benefits of prosperity for some. Others will look at these videos and think, "that is not me, material things just aren't that important to me". And that's ok! Money is just paper, and the things that money can buy are just things. What is really cool, is the FREEDOM that prosperity brings.

Freedom to live in the big house, drive the nice car, take the luxury vacation and wear the designer clothes and jewelry, if that is your desire. If that is not what you desire, you have the freedom to choose. You get to choose and live the lifestyle you desire. There are no limits. And to me, that is what the material "things" prove. Life is limitless. The only limits are those we place upon ourselves. We may believe that living in a life of luxury is selfish and excessive. Why do we think that way?

Why do we think or feel that living a life of luxury is wrong? Why are we content with just enough? Do we think we are undeserving? I believe that we put those limits on ourselves because of our lack of belief. We have been conditioned to believe that we can't have more, and therefore we should be content with what we have. It's almost like an excuse not to get rich. We convince ourselves that we don't "need" it, so that we feel ok about not achieving it.

Well, truly being rich is more than just having whatever "things" you want. It is about recognizing our own value. It is our birth right to have all that we desire. It is only selfish if we begrudge others the same, and if we attempt to take from others. When we give more than we receive in value, THEN we are positioning ourselves to offer prosperity to others. It is about delivering increase... bringing increase to everyone we come into contact with. This is true freedom and prosperity.

You can have everything you desire. You can have the freedom to choose to live in the big house - and if that is your choice and desire, they you should have it. Don't begrudge yourself the lifestyle you deserve!

That is what the Prosperity Cast Network is all about! It's all about freedom. It's about achieving a lifestyle that we deserve, and helping others to do the same. It's about being at home with our children and giving them the life that they deserve - the good schools, the music lessons, the travel experiences. Its about giving to your favorite charities. Its about providing children in need with food, clothing and maybe an amazing Christmas.

Don't put limits on your life. Join us in the Prosperity Cast Network, and start making dreams come true!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Have You met Val Smyth?

Have a look at the video at the top of the page to see and hear Val Smyth talk about his latest brainstorm, The Prosperity Cast Network. I call Val the Original Renegade Marketer, because he is one of the first people I have ever met who will tell you the real truth about network marketing, and how to generate a real income from home. Val started teaching his methods through is live seminar series Mentors in Motion. Forget everything you've learned about building your list, and marketing your products - learn the truth, and trust me, you're upline isn't teaching you this!

With the Prosperity Cast Network, Val has taken his no holds barred training to the next level. He describes it as his Martial Arts School of Marketing. If you want to earn your black belt in marketing, you've found the right teacher! Designed to sort the tire kickers from the serious business owners, PCN is about to change the face of home based business.