Saturday, December 27, 2008

just getting the hang of twittering and and MyTwitterToolbar... so many tweets so little time! lol

Friday, October 17, 2008

Obama Tax Cut Calculator

Would you be better off under an Obama administration?

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Gmail - What's the money flow chart? -

-> What's the money flow chart?

-> Why is the money flow chart important to running a successful business?

-> Why do you need to know the money flow chart in depth in order to set-up a $2,517.82 per week business?

Before I tell you where I am going with this, I want to tell you that the money flow chart is the ONLY wayfor you to bring your business to the next level.

First, let me tell you this fact...

There are so many clients who come to me and say things that they need a website. They started out with thiscool flash animations, cute pictures, shiny backgrounds,and much more.

When they start sending traffic to their sites, they made ZERO sales. They used whole bunch of trafficsources, such as: Pay per click, SEO, articles, web2.0, blogging, and much more.
Nothing works. Why is that?

It's really simple!

It doesn't fit the principle of money flow chart. It is no doubt that you can have better looking websites than I do. However, when there is no green stuff coming in, what is those GREAT looking websites for?

It is a waste of time. It is a waste of money. It is a waste of your effort.

So.... What should we do differently then?

"You MUST master the money flow chart"

You need to know WHO your visitors are.You need to know WHAT your potential buyers want. You need to know WHY they come to your website.

FURTHERMORE, you need to understand the ONE single action you want them to take when they visit yoursite. When I mentioned about ONE SINGLE ACTION, it means that IF I go to your site, I need to know what is it you want me to do. That's it!

For example:

Let's say I go to your website that sell dog care info product. As soon as I arrive on your site, I need to know EXACTLY what you want me to do at that time.

-> If your purpose of having me visit your site is to get your free report, you need to tell me to enter my personal information. Nothing else!

-> If your purpose of having me visit your site is to buy your dog care info product, you need to ask me for my credit card number. Nothing else!

-> If your purpose of having me visit your site is to sell your product, tell me how I can become your affiliate. Nothing else!

Basically, you need to tell your visitors what you want them to do. They can either comply with your request or they will leave your site.

It's that simple!

Once you make your website focus on ONE single action you want them to do, your next step would be to keep providing the "REASON WHY" they need to take action. This is what we referred to "Conversion".

This is WHY marketers talk about you need to keep testing and tracking your conversion at all time. This allows you to know that when you have 1,000 targeted visitors come to your website, how many people will ACTUALLY opt-in to your list.

-> If you have 200 people opt-in to your list out of 1,000 visitors, it means that you have 20% sign-up rate.

-> If you have 400 people opt-in to your list out of 1,000 visitors, it means that you have 40% sign-up rate.

-> If you have 600 people opt-in to your list out of 1,000 visitors, it means that you have 60% sign-up rate.

When you know that you have 600 people opt-in to your list for every 1,000 visitors visit your site,all you have to do NEXT would be just getting more targeted traffic for your business.
This is how the money flow chart works. This is what differentiate your website from the those FAILING one.

They have NO CLUE what the money flow chart is. They have NO CLUE what the "baiting system" is. They have NO CLUE what it takes to create a $2,517.82per week business on an autopilot. For this reason alone, I strongly recommend you downlod Henry Gold's free 59-page report at: (Wild Stuff!)

It will SHOW you exactly what money flow chart isin great details. It will show you the step-by-stepguide on getting the RIGHT conversion, baiting system,traffic sources, and much more.
Best of all, it will help you to take your business to the next level.

Go for it!

Success is YOURS,

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Welcome to The $200 Per Day Marketing Blueprint!

Welcome to The $200 Per Day Marketing Blueprint!: "Would $200 Extra Per Day Help You Out A Bit?

'Expect To Make $200 Per Day! Our FREE $200 Per Day Marketing Blueprint Shows You EXACTLY How, Step-By-Step!'"