Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The ONE Thing That is Responsible for the 97% Failure Rate for Internet Marketers

The Path To Prosperity
The Straight Line Approach

Welcome to the Path to Prosperity Newsletter!

Each week you'll receive news and tips on how to utilize the internet to generate an income from home.  If you wish to stop receiving our newsletter, you may unsubscribe with a simple click of your mouse on the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of each issue.  

The ONE Thing That is Responsible for the 97% Failure Rate for Internet Marketers - Path To Prosperity Lesson #1

The internet has become a toxic playground where a few at the top take advantage of the majority.  It is a well known fact that 3% to 5% of all internet marketers are making the money.  Why is that?

It may surprise you to know that it is as simple as mindset.  The "gurus" really want to keep you ignorant.  They want you to believe that the only reason you haven't found success is because you haven't found the right push button system.  When you believe that, you remain susceptible to their marketing ploys.  You will keep joining the next big thing, buying the lastest software that will build your list on auto-pilot, or the guru's "never before released" tactics.  BLEH! 
The fact is that the push button system doesn't exist.
The sooner you realize that, and I mean REALLY realize that, the sooner you will actually start realizing a profit.  I say REALLY realize it, because I think most people DO realize it on one level, but they still want so badly to find that EASY button, that they keep getting suckered in.

That suckering in costs you money, but more importantly it costs you time and energy that you could be applying in a FOCUSED way to build your own business. 
The mindset that 97% of would be successful marketers is more of a "dreamer" mindset, than that of a successful business builder's. 

The Truth Aint Pretty

The truth is that you won't make ten grand by next week, it is unlikely that you will make it next month either, and if you continue to get sucked down rabbit holes, you probably won't make it in the next year.
You must develop and grow your business mindset.  What exactly does that mean?

Well consider this.  Let us consider what would be required if you setting out to start a retail business in a brick and mortar store on Main Street.  Where would you start? 
Building a business on the internet is not a whole lot different.  You need to start with your foundation.  In the offline world, you would first look for the real estate, (on the internet that would be your domain), and the building (your website).  After purchasing or leasing the building, you would customize it for your particular purpose.  Once the store is set up, you'd find suppliers and stock the shelves.  Finally, you would advertise to get customers in your store.

Sounds like work doesn't it?
Why do people think that building a business on the internet is different?  They think that way because of the hyped up baloney you see online, and even on late night commercials.  The BS that tells you all you need to do is follow a few simple steps and BANG... you'll be in profit!
I like to compare it to believing in Santa Clause or fairy tales.  Think about it folks!  If it were that easy, everyone would be doing it!  
I do have some good news for you though...

There is Big Money To Be Made!

Those who have the desire to build a business on the internet, and approach it with a successful business mindset, are in a position to profit tremendously! 
Seriously, the internet is really still in its infancy.  Those who shed that windfall mindset and understand that they will need to learn some skills can be one of the 3% to 5% who realize their dream.
Building a business on the internet requires some skill, but the good news is that you can learn those skills in a short time frame, and you can start implementing them even before you totally understand. 

More good news:  starting a business online will require far less capital than starting a brick and mortar business in the offline world. 
Over the coming days, if you choose to, we will be sending you step by step instructions to help you get your internet business off the ground and up on the web!
In the meantime, feel free to visit my website:

 CrazyFoxes Marketing Group, P.O. Box 82 Ida, Mi. 48140, 888-633-4097

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